Fitbit Female Health Tracking is available on the Fitbit mobile app (iOS and Android) and all Fitbit smart watches.
Users can track and predict their cycles and compare health trends alongside their other Fitbit data. This will be huge for our users and the culture around female health in general.
or if you’re in a hurry, check out some teasers and promo shots below:
Official Promo Video:
Screen capture video of a nearly final prototype:
Cycle Tracking Calendar: shows the user confirmed and predicted periods and fertility windows, as well as estimated ovulation dates. Lower detail row updates with each day selection to show user relevant information such as cycle day and logged symptoms.
Female Health Dashboard Tile: shows the user relevant actionable information at a glance from the female health prediction ring.
Detailed Symptom Logging: track symptoms such as cramps and headaches on a day to day basis. Shortcut to select different calendar days from the calendar row at the top.
Health Trends: show users historic information and trends to learn more about the holistic health picture
On wrist: see predictions at a glance to understand health and stay prepared.